A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Hybrid High Voltage Battery. Bumper Cover Support Rail Nut. Bumper Guide Bolt. Bumper Guide Nut. Windshield Wiper Motor Nut. Bumper Cover Support Rail. Drive Motor Battery Pack. HexAGON. Side mount Bracket. Side Support Bolt. Windshield Wiper Motor.
Windshield Wiper Motor NutBumper Cover Support Rail NutBumper Guide NutBumper Guide BoltDrive Motor Battery Pack Nut
Fits Beetle, Beetle Convertible
2017. 2018-19, A5. 2018-19, A5, W/S-LINE PACKAGE, S5. 2018-19, COVERS & REINFORCEMENTS, A5, W/O S-LINE PKG. 2018-19, S5. 2018-20. 2019. 2020. 2020-24, BUMPER SUPPORT. 2020-24, IMPACT BAR AND BRACKETS. 2020-24, MOUNTING COMPONENTS. 2021-24, MOUNT COMPONENETS. A4, W/S-LINE. Convertible,. CONVERTIBLE, 2018-19, A5. CONVERTIBLE, 2018-19, S5. CONVERTIBLE, 2020-24, BUMPER SUPPORT. Coupe,. Coupe, 2018-19, A5, W/S-LINE PACKAGE, S5. Coupe, 2018-19, COVERS & REINFORCEMENTS, A5, W/O S-LINE PKG. Coupe, 2020-24, BUMPER SUPPORT. HIGH VOLTAGE. MOUNT COMPONENTS. RS 5. S4.